4. Charming Villages

Atractions: Guadarrama, Prádena caves, Enebralejos caves, Sotosalbos, Riaza, Ayllón, red villages, black villages, Maderuelo, Fuentidueña, Riaza, Romanesque, Hoces de Riaza.

The province of Segovia never ceases to amaze us, allowing us to live history as a throbbing experience and always offering us something fascinating to discover. The great routes set at our feet the beginning of an endless path in which culture after culture have made their mark and in which art, history and nature open their doors to the visitor.

Sotosalbos, do not miss this village, known for its preserved Romanesque church and its peculiar link with the Arcipreste de Hita.

Pradena, where its prehistoric Caves of the Enebralejos that giving us a past of millions of years stand out.

Protective walls of stately villas, such as Fuentidueña and the Romanesque churches of its Villa and Tierra are well worth a visit, which we can always accompany with a good lunch.

Maderuelo, on a dominating spur, shows us the defensive medieval past of these lands, allowing us to still admire its hamlet, its walls, and in its small hermitage of Veracruz a set of first-rate Romanesque mural painting.

Ayllón noble and haughty, opens the door of its wall to show us its greatest treasure: distinguished streets of popular architecture, palaces and the splendid and irregular porticoed square, in which the passage through the village of holiness is still breathed (San Francisco of Asis and Santa Teresa of Jesus on her return from Soria to Avila).

Riaza, on the northern slope of the Massif de Ayllón, is decorated to give way to its porticoed square that also fulfills the original function of bullfighting arena, and opens us to some exceptional natural sites: the Hayedo of La Pedrosa and the Hoces of Riaza. And why not continue from here discovering places, where the color of the stone used in the constructions mixes with the landscape forming an unparalleled chromatic scale: red villages (Villacorta and Madriguera) and black villages (El Muyo, El Negredo, Becerril and Serracín), will immerse us in an adventure unparalleled.

Segovia is always welcoming in each of its corners and cared for in every detail. Time will always be your best ally, to make nothing leave us indifferent.